Roselily (pink), carnation purple), Scabious (dark purple), Peruvian Lily (white)
  • Enter membership number or promo code, if any, to enjoy discounts.
  • Greeting cards are free and optional.
Deliver toDelivery charge (hk$)
Hong Kong Island200
The New Territories180
Outlying IsloandsTo Be Confirmed
Pick up at shopFree of charge (appointment needed)




Roselily (pink), carnation purple), Scabious (dark purple), Peruvian Lily (white)
  • Enter membership number or promo code, if any, to enjoy discounts.
  • Greeting cards are free and optional.
Deliver toDelivery charge (hk$)
Hong Kong Island200
The New Territories180
Outlying IsloandsTo Be Confirmed
Pick up at shopFree of charge (appointment needed)