The arrangement of the popular Oubrose Bouquet has been renewed! The position of the flowers has been changed to make it even cuter♪ It comes in a special clear case with a handbag, so it’s also recommended as a gift for your loved ones
  • 輸入會員編號或推廣編號,享受折扣優惠
  • 可免費選擇心意咭
Deliver toDelivery charge (hk$)
Hong Kong Island200
The New Territories180
Outlying IsloandsTo Be Confirmed
Pick up at shopFree of charge (appointment needed)




The arrangement of the popular Oubrose Bouquet has been renewed! The position of the flowers has been changed to make it even cuter♪ It comes in a special clear case with a handbag, so it’s also recommended as a gift for your loved ones
  • Order should be placed at least 3 working days depending on the availability of flowers and foliage.
  • Enter membership number or promo code, if any, to enjoy discounts.
  • Greeting cards are free and optional.
Deliver toDelivery charge (hk$)
Hong Kong Island200
The New Territories180
Outlying IsloandsTo Be Confirmed
Pick up at shopFree of charge (appointment needed)